Sunday 1 July 2018

Research into other blogs showing different types of multimedia and interactivity
this blog has links to different information on games or guides and also has images and videos and has a logo of the blogs name and also contains audio to listen to.
this blog has links and images and has links to the most important information about games or an update for the game.

That VideoGame Blog
this blog has links to different information on games or guides and also has images and videos and has a logo of the blogs name.

the research has  provided ideas for my own blog could look.

these blogs use different interactive media on there blogs like 
hyper links- simply a link to another website or a different area of the webpage
rollover- the arrow changes to a pointier finger on interactive media also when the cursor moves into target the cursor will change and maybe drop a menu and drop down 
text entry- need to enter text to find results or open a site.
all the the text is in a html language for coding and can be used easily in a web design software 
theses are websites you can create your own web page design. 
these give templates to pa web design and also cost a lot more 
and this one is designed so you can make it from scratch and is cheaper

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